Shortly before the recent performance of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses in the Chicago Theatre, gaming website The Tanooki was able to sit down with three people that were essential to the creation of the symphony. The executive producer, creative director, and conductor all give their thoughts of the symphony and what their part was in making the 25th anniversary of our favorite series a bit more legendary. Hit the jump to see the videos!

Jason Michael Paul, the executive producer, talks about his résumé and how he got into working on this project, and even gives his advice for aspiring musician and composers.

Jeron Moore, the producer and creative director, also talks about his producing history and what it means to be the head of creativity for Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses.

Eímear Noone, the brilliant conductor of the symphony, speaks about her extensive list of previous projects, and what it is like to conduct this symphony.

I was very excited that Jason Michael Paul said there would be even more new music coming from this project in 2013. Though I already attended the concert earlier this year, this might be reason to go again for a new experience! Though we don’t know exactly what he meant by that, he seemed sure the fans would enjoy the upcoming material.

What did you think of the videos? Did anything about how Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses came together surprise you? Tell us in the comments!

Source: The Tanooki

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