11186427_1072371276124318_1970332507_n It comes as no surprise that there are some real retro gamers working over at Cartoon Network, and it’s even less surprising that some of them are Zelda fans. In a recent episode of Teen Titans Go!, aptly titled “Video Game References”, Starfire gets plopped down in a clearing eerily similar to that of the original Legend of Zelda and meets an old man in a cave; she befriends him, fights off some “land squid,” and catches a lady’s “coocalacka” in exchange for a bottle. However, Starfire being Starfire, she turns the whole thing into a dance party. Hit the jump to watch the clip!

Starfire was transported into the game when Robin installed a virtual reality room in the Titans’ Tower to use for training; it’s basically the holodeck from Star Trek, but it has a Famicom cartridge slot in the wall. This clip was really well done, it covered a lot of Zelda series’ staples in a short amount of time, was true to the original game’s graphics, and the overworld music was very Zelda-esque too. The remainder of the episode serves as homage to other memorable video games and gaming tropes, you can watch it on Cartoon Network’s website if you have a log-in.

What did you think of “Starfire’s Quest: The Legend of the Legendary Quest”? If Cartoon Network made a PC or mobile game based around it, would you play it? If you’ve seen the episode share your opinion of it. Leave all your comments in the section below!

Source: Youtube

Sorted Under: The Legend of Zelda