Spirit Tracks Sheet Music Book

Spirit Tracks Box ArtworkOur friends over at ZeldaPower have recently updated their website with a 40-page Spirit Tracks Sheet Music book. The new page includes a listing of all 22 Songs that are available in the sheet music book. The sheet music is meant for piano players out there, but for those of you who are well versed enough in music, you can surely translate this music for various other musical instruments. The book was originally in Japanese and the folks at ZeldaPower are working on translating some of the song titles as well. It is definitely worth checking out if you enjoy playing Zelda tunes on your instruments.

In addition to just this new book, ZeldaPower has some other Zelda sheet music available at their website including a full download of the 192-page Best Collection, which has music from A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, and the Wind Waker. Additionally, ZeldaPower has a 200-page Wind Waker Sheet Music download available. Plenty of goodies to keep any musical Zelda fan satisfied.

Source: ZeldaPower
Related: Spirit Tracks Walkthrough

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