Early this morning, Nintendo streamed another of their increasingly quirky and fun Nintendo Direct videos, and one of the many games that Iwata discussed within it was Sonic Lost World. He revealed that they have been working on two separate DLC packs for the game, each based on a different Nintendo franchise. The first pack, which is available right now (for free!) on the eShop, is based on the Yoshi’s Island franchise. But what Nintendo franchise will the second pack be based on? Iwata chose not to come right out and tell us, but he did hint strongly (and I mean really strongly. Like, he might as well have just said it) that it will be none other than the Zelda series.

He said the pack is still being worked on so he couldn’t show any footage, but a picture was thrown up that, at first glance, seemed to be the typical Sonic Lost World promotional artwork you would expect to see. However, Nintendo can be quite sneaky sometimes, and this picture had a very specific purpose: To tease the Zelda-themed DLC pack. They snuck a Triforce into the picture right behind Sonic, so there really is no doubt as to what the DLC pack will be based on.

And just in case the picture hadn’t driven the point home already, Iwata spoke these playfully cryptic words, “Fans will be able to LINK their Wii U systems to the Nintendo eShop early next year, to download this DLC.”

So what will the Zelda-themed levels be like? Will Sonic be jumping and bouncing through the corridors of Hyrule Castle? Will he be slamming into hordes of Bokoblins and collecting Rupees? Which Zelda game will the levels be based on, if any? Perhaps The Wind Waker, to tie in with the recent release on Wii U. Or perhaps all this secrecy is really because the DLC will be tied into Zelda U, and they can’t show it until they officially reveal the game! Let us know what you think in the comment section below.

Source: Nintendo Direct

Sorted Under: Zelda News