Screw Attack’s “Worst Ever Zelda Games”

TriforceWe all have a favorite and least favorite games from the Zelda franchise and I’m sure we’ve all had many a debate with friends about which games are the best or worst. Which game is the best still seems to be purely down to personal opinion but, for the worst game, it’s pretty much fact that those CD-i games take the crown. But what if it’s a choice of purely the games that are considered canon? What would be the worst out of those? Well, some of the guys on Screw Attack have recently said which one they consider the worst and explained why.

Take the jump to find out what they chose!

As we can see from the video, each person considers a different Zelda game to be the worst one from the canon games and I’m not surprised. Each game has it’s good and bad points, reasons one person likes a game could be the very same reasons someone else doesn’t like it. Although each person in the video justified well why they considered their respective choices to be the worst game, some of the reasons they gave I may agree with but it doesn’t bother me enough to say it was a serious bad point of the game, likeĀ the triforce hunt in The Wind Waker. Granted, it is a part of the game I’m quite glad they’ve changed for the HD remake but I used it as an opportunity to explore some of the places I hadn’t been to yet or wasn’t able to fully explore before so it made that part of the game much more bearable.

Majora Mask MoonAs for my worst Zelda game, of the games I’ve played a lot of so know well and have been able to form a stable opinion of (which is pretty much everything from Ocarina of TimeĀ to Skyward Sword, but not the DS games) I would probably say the worst was Majora’s Mask but before you all run for your torches and pitch forks, let me explain. It is a good game, I have completed it several times, but, to me, it doesn’t feel like a Zelda game. Yes, the side quests are great and, yes, there are a lot of great theories surrounding some aspect of the game like the 5 areas representing the 5 stages of grief, but the main adventure doesn’t quite work for me. I know the reason a lot of people like the game because it’s so different to the majority of other Zelda games but, for me, it was so different it just didn’t work.

What do you consider to be the worst zelda game? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: YouTube

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