Janitor's drawingThis school janitor seems to not only enjoy his or her job as campus custodian, they  seem to have no problem displaying rather inspirational Zelda art in the cafeteria. Taking up a rather large portion of the whiteboard, it can be seen that much detail and shading has been intricately displayed into these drawings, particularly from Twilight Princess.

Whether or not the janitor intended to grasp the attention of young students to possibly bring recognition to the Zelda series, or merely express their artistic skills during a break (or on the job), these drawings certainly managed to capture enough student attention to be spread and admired on the internet and in the cafeteria. Hit the jump to see more!

As seen in the picture below, Wolf Link and Midna are impressively illustrated from the chained cuff on Link’s forearm to Midna’s mask. Even Link’s mane seems to be a rather realistic representation of the Twilight Princess art style .

Link and Midna from Janitor's drawing

 Link and Midna from Janitor's drawing

It sure would be funny if these drawings were really in permanent marker. It remains a mystery as to whether or not the janitor was fired, hopefully not. Overall, how great would it be to have a school janitor that went about leaving some amazing video game art only to surprise you when walking into class, or some masterpiece upon a whiteboard to keep your mind off boring lectures? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Source: Kotaku

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