
With Pokemon Black and White 2 on the horizon, Pokemon news has been booming, and fans have been excited. And you know what the icing on the cake is? A level 100 legendary dragon on Pokemon Black and White.

Massive Pokemon Fanbase Seribii has posted on their website today, that from March 10th to April 8th, Zekrom will be available to download on Black version, and Reshiram will be available on White, over WiFi.

This event is the international version of the Pokemon Movie event that happened in Japan last July. This indicates that the Pokemon will come at level 100, be holding a dragon gem, and have powerful moves. Reshiram and Zekrom will have the moves Blue Flare, Fusion Flare, Mist & Draco Meteor and Bolt Strike, Fusion Bolt, Haze & Outrage. Ready to kick some ass? 😉

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