After a less than brief hiatus, our Tuesday Weekly Feature, the Photoshop Contest, is back with a vengeance! For those who are new to this feature, fear not; this is a very straightforward contest. Simply photoshop or otherwise alter the image, screenshot, or whatever it is we give you for the week and turn it into something hilarious, cool, or anything in between! Our last contest featured Midna, obviously up to no good, and we got some great entries capitalizing on this feature. Congratulations to our winners, featured below!

April Lynn Morrison:




All beautiful entries indeed. As for this week, the pictures—yes, that’s right: plural!—are below. You may make a single entry per picture. Give it your all, and we’ll see you right back here next week. Good luck to all!

Edit: Yes, submit your entry in the comments below! Sorry for any confusion!

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