Screen Shot 2015-12-06 at 8.18.02 AMJust a few days ago, Nintendo released update 2.0.0 for Tri Force Heroes. Included in the new update are two new costumes, new ways of securing friendship tokens, and Miiverse stamps, they have also added an entirely new area that has now opened up called the Den of Trials. The new area offers up 30 new stages that force you to beat every single enemy in each stage before you are allowed to move on. Our friends over at GameXplain dedicated some serious time to show off that new stage in a livestream that originally aired the day the update went live. Now you can check out all the fun in their latest YouTube video, jump on in past the break to check out over two hours of footage of the Den of Trials.

Have you downloaded the new update and attempted the Den of Trials yet? Which new costume is your new favorite? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: YouTube

Sorted Under: Tri Force Heroes