
Chapter 6 of our Ocarina of Time 3D walkthrough has just been published! Now you’ll journey to the renowned Kakariko Village. This quiet hamlet once was home to the shadowy Sheikah tribe, but now it’s open to common folk. Who knows what secrets lie within its walls?

Today’s Ocarina of Time fan art feature is a sketch of Kakariko Village drawn by ~TheJFP on deviantART. He’s got a bunch of other Zelda-related stuff, so check out his deviantART page for more Ocarina of Time goodies!

Remember, we obviously can’t include screenshots of the 3DS version just yet, so in the meantime we’re using screens from the GameCube version courtesy of Youtube LPer AceofSuns. We’ll update with 3DS images and other content as soon as we can!

Update History:

  • Ocarina of Time Month Kicks Off with Chapter 1 of our Ocarina 3D Walkthrough
  • Ocarina of Time 3D Walkthrough Chapter 2: Into the Mouth of the Tree
  • Ocarina of Time 3D Walkthrough Chapter 3 + Daily Ocarina Fan Art Fix
  • Ocarina of Time 3D Walkthrough: Chapter 4
  • Ocarina of Time 3D Walkthrough: Chapter 5
  • Sorted Under: Uncategorized
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