Zelda InformerToday we welcome Zelda Informer as the newest partnered website here at Zelda Dungeon. Zelda Informer is one of the definitive Zelda news websites on the net, often times providing multiple updates a day with the latest Zelda news and interesting pieces of Zelda content. They are also well known for detailed articles and we look forward to promoting some of their exclusive work right here at Zelda Dungeon.

In a recent article over at their site, one of the Zelda Informer webmasters, Nathanial Rumphol-Janc, discusses Why Ocarina of Time isn’t the best Zelda. Within the article, Nathan talks extensively about the game including everything from its difficulty, the nostalgia factor, it being the first 3d Zelda title, and much more. Here is a short excerpt from the article which will give you a taste of what it is all about.

The thing about all these games is that Ocarina of Time was a foundation of which there have been severe improvements to the series. Both in story pacing, game play progression, complexity and simplicity mixed together, and in overall feel. Twilight Princess
may seem “too easy”, but it’s still just as hard, of not slightly harder, than Ocarina of Time ever was. I was 20 when I played Twilight Princess. I was 12 when I played Ocarina of Time. Eight years of experience has cheapened that childhood glee.

Be sure to check out the full article to see all of Nathan’s thoughts. For me personally, nostalgia definitely does play a factor. I too was only 12 years old when I first played Ocarina of Time and seeing my favorite franchise leap into 3d was awesome. It was a fairly difficult game at the time yet still loads of fun. The 3d console Zelda titles since then have improved on many fronts, but to me, none have captured the fun factor like Ocarina of Time did. When it boils down to it, your personal best game shouldn’t be the one that gets the highest ratings, but rather, the one that you had the most fun playing. Being the best at something like this is so arbitrary, so I say we leave those types of labels to the critics and just play the games. Ocarina of Time isn’t my favorite Zelda title, but it certainly was the most fun I’ve had with the console 3d Zelda’s thus far. Who knows, maybe Skyward Sword will change all that. Only time will tell.

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