Nintendo-Direct-2013-Zelda-Hyrule-Warriors-003-1280x720The series has gotten a story in an Arizona news show, but things didn’t turn out how one might have wanted. A news anchor on Arizona Midday, a television show broadcasted exclusively in Arizona, and a guest have recently have created a rather unprepared report about the announcement of the new Dynasty Warriors/Zelda cross over game, Hyrule Warriors. Things such as calling the game a movie and the infamous Link is a girl are stated. The report in the end does get the story out, but not without a few bumps on the road. Check out the report for yourself, after the jump!


Click the picture to see the video at Kotaku!

So as you can see, the hostess and guest both had their fair share of flaws when sending out the story, primarily the hostess firmly calling Link ‘Zelda’, and saying “She’s just fierce!” To be fair though, the report does do its job, and does its intended purpose, to inform viewers.

But let me know what you think about this! Do you cringe when viewing this? Do you find the slips humorous? Let me know in the comments!

Source: Arizona Midday (via Kotaku)

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