New The Wind Waker HD footage

wind waker HD footageThe new Wind Waker HD is all everyone’s been talking about lately, and recently Nintendo released some new in-game footage of the Hyrule Castle temple! Even with the darker pallette it has great visuals, and when color is added it’s absolutely stunning to look at!

The video also mentions some new updates, such as being able to move Link while in first person, as well as explaining, in more detail, the functions of the new touch screen GamePad.

Hit the jump to watch the video!


I didn’t think I could get any more excited for The Wind Waker HD, but this certainly proved me wrong! As usual, the footage looks amazing–which really isn’t doing it justice, and is an understatement. I’m sure that being able to move while in first person will come in handy throughout the game, as well as your choice of motion control or joy-stick control. I, personally, find that motion control doesn’t always work as it should. It actually caused me problems in Skyward Sword, so I’m glad that I’ll have an option this time. Although, when in the heat of a boss battle, I’m sure that I’ll find myself using motion control for quick shots.

Anyway, so what do you think of the new footage, and updates? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Source: YouTube

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