The Legend of Zelda NetWhen we launched the new layout here at Zelda Dungeon you might have noticed a section on the sidebar entitled Partnered Sites. The sites listed are other websites that use Zelda Dungeon as their walkthrough resource by linking to our guides. Today we have a brand new partnered website in, a website that was a longtime affiliate of ours from back when it went by the name of The Hidden Triforce. It recently relaunched several months back and has experienced significant growth in its few months online. They are a great source of Zelda news and media and occasionally offer some interesting exclusive articles.

Their site has been added to the partnered site listing along the right navigation and their news feed has also been added to the aggregate partnered site news feed, in which all recent updates from our partners will appear. Additionally, every so often you will see some news posts right here on the front page of Zelda Dungeon highlighting some of the cool new features that are being added to If you have never heard of their site be sure to check them out, or even if you have been there before, you should take a look anyway as they recently launched a fresh, professional looking layout to match their new direction. Welcome aboard!

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