To many of us, the music in the

Zelda series plays a huge part in our overall experience. In regards to this particular video, I feel our own Jeff Edelstein said it best:

The end of any Zelda adventure is a moment of mixed emotions. Many may feel enthralled to have finally overcome the challenges of a game well played; others will be saddened to see their adventures in Hyrule come to a close. No matter what the sentiment, however, a reflection on one’s experience is bound to take place, often set to the relaxing melody of a closing theme.

YouTube musicians

8bitbrigadier and ThunderScott6267 came together to cover the end credits for A Link to the Past. I’ve always felt that end credits are just as, if not more vital, than the opening credits and I love seeing these brought to life in a beautiful form. I personally love that it instills a calm, serene sense of peace after the darkness has vanished while simultaneously marching to a triumphant fanfare of victory. This is just another example of the incredible works of Koji Kondo expertly performed by fans of the series.

What is your favorite song from

The Legend of Zelda? What other songs would you like to hear get a classical and instrumental rendition? Let us know in the comments below.

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