Skyward Sword screenshot

It is really no doubt that Skyward Sword and its release date, along with Super Mario 3DS and Project Café‘s announcements are all on this list, given how excited we all are to hear about them. This feature at Modojo also includes the vitality sensor and hopes for a “ton” of 3DS games to be announced – hopefully Pokémon included. Personally, I would have ditched the vitality sensor off the list and replaced it with the announcement of what is going to take the Wii through to the end of its lifetime. There really should be a number of big games for the Wii, other than those like Pandora’s Tower that we already know about, coming very soon.

Maybe “Nintendo Selects” implies that there won’t be too many more games to see out the Wii though. And we must also remember that the DS isn’t dead, even with the 3DS around, so hopefully there will be some games there too. Keep an eye out for an upcoming feature of our own where we list everything we hope to see at Nintendo’s conference this year. Do you think it will top last years conference? Will Nintendo win E3 again? I tend to think so.

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