More Skyward Sword Screenshots

With all the new videos, pictures, and information being released about Skyward Sword it seems like paradise for all the people out there that can’t wait to learn more about the game, but for those brave few that are trying to avoid any and all spoilers for fear of ruining it and waiting for it’s release to learn about the game first hand it seems as if it is almost impossible. With new information and details being released almost everyday about Skyward Sword it’s just making avoiding spoilers that much harder.

Here to add to the this vast flood of information, GoNintendo posted some new Skyward Sword pictures on their site. They may look familiar to gameplay footage we have seen before, but it’s always nice to have more screen shots of the game. If your interested in seeing them be sure to make the jump and judge them for yourself.

After looking at the pictures do you think they look familiar as well? I think the pictures themselves are new, but the content in the pictures are of gameplay we have already seen. Please leave your thoughts in the comments below and remember to keep checking back for constant updates!

Source: GoNintendo

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Sorted Under: Skyward Sword