Link fights a monster in a demo at E3.According to an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto given by Kotaku, there will be a Zelda HD game on the Wii U. Miyamoto stated,

“This is an HD system, our first HD system, and we want to create a real HD Zelda game for it. You will see a lot of these in-depth and deep experiences in terms of visual style. You will also see some play styles that are fun and interesting because of the play structure.”

It has not been confirmed that this game will be like the demo we all saw at E3. Nintendo has shown a demo for a Zelda game that ended up being completely different before, so we should not all believe that it will just like the demo. However, this game will be in high definition, a first for Nintendo. Miyamoto has not confirmed if this will be a launch title. Whether this will be a game based on the Zelda demo that we all saw at E3 or a completely new idea, Nintendo will not disappoint.

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