Thanks to Patricia from the Hylia for translating Miyamoto’s most recent interview. It is quite lengthy and can be viewed by clicking here.

He talks about the challenge of making a fun Nintendo DS game that utilizes the DS Stylus all while making sure the game keeps the Zelda feel. He gives a brief explanation on how to move, how to lift pots, and how to battle enemies with the stylus. When talking about the multiplayer format, he mentions that at one time he thought of using the microphone to control the phantoms in the multiplayer mode but that it would have been really hard to implement.

Miyamoto goes on to talk about the Zelda franchise as a whole how it has evolved over the years and Phantom Hourglass is a continuation in that evolution. He states that most Zelda fans of the older games will still find this game as a fun adventure while new fans of the series might be born because it is very intuitive. You can view the full translated article by clicking the link below.

Full Miyamoto Interview Translation at The Hylia

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