Well, we now know of at least one exclusive feature Super Smash Bros. for 3DS will have on the New Nintendo 3DS. As it stands today, Miiverse cannot be used (or the internet browser) while playing the game on a regular 3DS (or XL). That means you cannot share screenshots on Miiverse or post to Miiverse while playing. In fact, out of the gate you will only be able to share screenshots by saving them to your SD card and then transferring them to a local PC. The New Nintendo 3DS is a totally different story.

While many have been upset about this since it was discovered, I think it’s rather understandable. If the 3DS hardware is truly pushed to the max by the game, which it certainly appears that it is, than chances are the RAM or CPU are maxed out with the game. As such, there isn’t enough left over to to run the internet browser or Miiverse (which actually runs through the internet browser, technically).

Personally, this isn’t too big a deal to me. Miiverse is already sluggish on its own on the 3DS, mostly because the system was never designed to actually have Miiverse, so the hardware isn’t enough to make it run smoothly like it does on the Wii U. I hope this is at least made better, if not 100% corrected, with the New Nintendo 3DS. That being said, I’ve already got a pre-order down for the New Nintendo 3DS. Just need to decide which version I want in case I am going to switch. Do I want custom face-plate changes I can do myself, or will “bigger is better” win me over?

What do you think about these developments? Disappointing? Is this going to give you yet another good reason to pick up Nintendo’s latest handheld hardware next year?

Source: Twitter

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