Part 4 of Mas’ Zelda Collection is now online and this one covers the Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages books released by Scholastic and authored by Craig Wessel. These are book renditions of the storylines from the games. However, because they are very short (96 and 61 pages), many of the details from the game are left out. There isn’t much of anything new in terms of storyline, and overall it really is just a quick summary of the overall plot from the games. Several dungeons are skipped and many characters and items are not even mentioned at all.

The biggest draw about these books, is that they are labeled as ‘You Decide on the Adventure’ type books, in which the reader decides what the character in the book will do. After reading a page, you’ll either be told to flip to a certain page number, or given option as to what you want the hero to do. These were common in the 90’s, but it works much better in lengthier novels. For a rather linear story like these titles, it didn’t leave enough room from diversion from the main story and often times the options given were rather silly. There is some nice artwork to be found and there are also some game strategies such as boss tips.

Rarity: Common
Price: $3-$5

Oracle of Seasons at Amazon
Oracle of Ages at Amazon

So what are your thoughts? Is this something that you’d like to have within your Zelda collection? Does anybody out there actually own these books? Any furthers thoughts on the “Mas’ Zelda Collection” series? Let us know by posting in the comments below. Also, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to get all the latest Zelda Dungeon videos.

Related: Oracle of Seasons Walkthrough
Related: Oracle of Ages Walkthrough

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