
The latest edition of Nintendo Power Magazine contains an interview with Mario Kart producer Hideki Konno. Most of the questions focus on Mario Kart 7, but he was asked about a couple of rather interesting things in particular.

First, Nintendo Power asked if Nintendo has ever considered including characters from other franchises. Nintendo Power was implying that this would be similar to Smash Brothers. In any case, don’t count on a roster expansion anytime soon. Konno said, “No, we’ve never seriously considered that.”

Konno also had been quizzed on if there would be a Mario Kart Wii U title. All he confirmed was that a new game in the series will be made for the console (shocking, right?), explaining that he would like,”“to create a new and enjoyable Mario Kart that uses the unique functions of the Wii U.”

I can’t get into the specifics, but I do want to create a new and enjoyable Mario Kart that uses the unique functions of the Wii U. Anything beyond that I have to keep secret. Please bear with me for now!

Source: NintendoEveryThing

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