It seems with all of the Spirit Tracks talk that Zelda is the hot topic

everywhere right now. From speculation surrounding the newly annouced

title itself, to the fact that Nintendo just doesn’t seem to “get it”

when making Zelda titles anymore. Well, the talks on Majora’s Mask

continue as Jamie Lowie, a writer for Toronto Thumbs, does a follow up piece on our last news post.

mm31.jpgHe spends a lot of piece breaking down what Craig from 4cr had to say about MM being a Fluke. However what gets interesting is how he concludes his piece.

“It’s quite possible that within Majora’s Mask we are seeing the end of

the world, arriving at the edge of a flat earth that represents the

boundaries of where Nintendo’s design philosophies meet our shared

narrative history. This isn’t merely Nintendo’s problem, but one the

entire industry struggles with. The problem is that we can never see

beyond the horizon of that end, because we are confined to the world

that is ending. Instead, our world is continually reset, and as with

the retelling of a story, we encounter the world once again, in

slightly different ways that are none the less familiar. And yet, even

if it seems impossible to see beyond the edge of that destruction, the

sense that there is a new world beyond it persists. There is every

chance that this apocalypse can create a new world. We can question

whether Nintendo can take us there, but the larger challenge for the

industry and ourselves is in finding the means to glimpse that other

world by any means possible.”

If you really think about this, he’s being pretty honest. Often times games are focused on the ending of the world and us doing something to stop it. Meanwhile, MM had the ending of the world element, but in a ever changing world that can be reset as many times as possible, making the world, the characters, the gameplay, and Link himself all much more engrossing. Instead of Link growing up or building up his hero status: He starts as one and gets his entire identity, his life, stripped from him. It seems to me at least that in MM, Link is more about discovering who he is as a person rather then just about saving everyone. It’s a method that has yet to be developed further by any gaming company, and it’s a method that shows a clear cut boundary on what game developers are willing to do.

The game is ageing fast, and there is still nothing to compare it too. MM’s true shine as a beacon for not just Zelda, but for the industry itself seems to be shining more now then ever. Hopefully articles like this will bring light to Nintendo, and really all game companies, to break the mold a little.

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