Lovers of 3DS Zelda themes rejoice! A Majora’s Mask theme is on the way (to Japan). It seems the release date will coincide with that of Majora’s Mask 3D. It’s almost like it was planned that way or something.

The theme will be available on February 14, and the top half features a design similar to the cover art for the game. Young Link is on the left, holding the Mask of Truth, and the ominous moon takes up the right side of the top screen behind him.

The bottom half of the design features some familiar characters from the game like the Great Fairy and the Happy Mask Salesman. Anju and Kafei can be seen on the bottom screen as well. The music included with the theme is the Song of Healing.

Fans interested in buying the theme will need to fork over 200¥ (that’s $1.70).

What do you think of the theme? Will you download it when if it hits the eShop in your region?

Source: NintendoEverything

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