Line Already Forming for the 8AM Opening at Nintendo World Store for Hyrule Warriors’ Launch
Posted on September 26 2014 by Nathanial Rumphol-Janc
You read that right, folks are already camping out for a copy of Hyrule Warriors at the Nintendo World Store in New York City. The thing is, they aren’t doing a midnight launch – in fact no one in the United States seems to be, but that’s not stopping die-hard Zelda fans. With a line already forming, by the time the store opens at 8am it could be several hundred, of not thousands, waiting. Assuredly, they won’t have enough copies for everyone.
It should be noted that there is a first come, first serve mentality with the Collector’s Edition at this store, so it was always going to have some folks camping just for a shot at it. We still have no idea how many limited editions will be available. Pretty crazy, though! If nothing else, this may bode well for sales for the game overall. I am not one to typically make predictions, but I’ll go with 520k sales in the first full week of sales (with about 325k selling this weekend). If those numbers end up being spot on, I’ll gladly accept payments for sales predictions on future Nintendo releases.