The Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program has officially launched and those of you eligible can now download the original Legend of Zelda and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. There are a few simple steps that you must take to get your Ambassador NES games and I’ve listed the steps below.

1. Turn on your Nintendo 3DS and go to the Nintendo eShop.
2. Browse all the way to the left and click ‘Settings / Other’.
3. Scroll down and click ‘Your Downloads’.
4. You will see the 10 NES Ambassador games and you can ‘Redownload’ them.

It’s that simple! From what I’ve played thus far, I can confirm that these are just direct ports of previous versions of the game. Unlike Excitebike, I do no think there is any added 3D features to either Zelda title. Either way, if you are an ambassador, go and download these two Zelda goodies, as well as the other 8 games that are given away for free.

Related: Legend of Zelda Walkthrough
Related: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link Walkthrough