The Legend of Zelda  Symphony of the GoddessesSince the successful tour of Symphony of the Goddesses back in 2013, the demand of symphonic video game music has begun to take flight. Both Pokemon Symphonic Evolutions and Symphony of the Goddesses Master Quest are touring this year, and although they may share similar elements, both tours are organized in a different fashion. In a recent interview with Gamerz Unite, producer and creative director of both tours, Jeron Moore, explains how the atmospheres of both tours differ. Hit the jump to hear what Moore had to say!

GZU:How has the Pokémon Symphonic Evolutions tour differed from Symphony of the Goddess?

Jeron: Well you know, Zelda and Pokémon are different games. They have a different structures, focus on different gameplay, mature differently over time, and lend themselves to different strengths. With Zelda, we had a concept where there was a throughline from beginning to end and a hypothetical timeline that we could thread. With the Pokémon franchise, it’s similar, but in a different way, there’s a chronology to the world. Of course, with a new Pokémon game, a new region is unveiled with new places to explore, new characters, and new antagonists.

The best way to organize Symphonic Evolutions is by generations, where we work our way to what’s current. Though there’s not a throughline for every game, Pokémon lends itself to a nostalgic and valuable vignette. It’s a nice overview of every game with progression of the story, and I think all fits together really nicely. It’s also much more energetic than Zelda. It’s orchestrated or arranged more differently, and we don’t employ a choir for this show. Instead, Chad integrated this really cool dynamic that merges with orchestrate and electronic elements, which come in and out seamlessly.

Aside from the most obvious differences between the two symphonies and games, they are organized in a manner that brings them life while reaming faithful to their chronology and distinct music. There aren’t very many options when it comes to combing video game music and a live symphony. Nevertheless, as the creative director of both tours, Jeron Moore has done an outstanding job in making both symphonies as genuine as possible for live performances. Are any of you attending either or both symphonies? Already have? Be sure to tell us in the comments below!

Source: Gamerz Unite (via Zelda Universe)

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