YouTuber ZaziNombies Lego Creations, a man who specializes in building Lego replicas of numerous video game objects and artifacts (a lot of them from Minecraft), recently uploaded a video about his newest creation, an enormously epic Hylian Shield from Skyward Sword, made from over 2000 tiny pieces!

The shield is 51 centimeters long and 71 centimeters wide. Over 500 little black pieces went into the backside of the shield, and many of the details on the rim and on the face were created with Bionicle pieces.

I love this, personally; nothing makes me as happy as excellent and creative Lego constructions, and luckily, the world never seems to run out of them. Times like these really make me wish I was even remotely talented.

What do you think of the shield? Is it as amazing as I think it is?

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