Zelda Dungeon Hero's Bow The new season of Arcade Arms is here, and as a Zelda fan, excitement is in the air. This season of the web series by Geek and Sundry will feature the famous Hero’s Bow. The team will be crafting a real life version of the Hero’s Bow and seeing just how deadly it can be. Make the jump inside to watch the video, learn a little more about the legendary weapon, and let us know what you think.

Only a pilot episode had been released, but has since found a strong enough fan base and a full season was put into production. The series will also feature weapons from several franchises such as Final Fantasy, God of War, The Elder Scrolls, etc…. Who knows, if enough of you Zelda fans show enough support, maybe a second Legend of Zelda inspired episode will be created.

Although Link has carried a bow with him on all of his adventures, the Hero’s Bow has been featured very little. It made its first appearance in Majora’s Mask deep inside of Woodfall Temple. The second time Link discovered it on his journey was in The Wind Waker inside of the Tower of the Gods. The last time Link was able to get his hands on the Hero’s Bow was in Twilight Princess where it was left by “an ancient hero” inside the Goron Mines.

Do you think the Hero’s Bow throughout the series is the one in the same or a different one each time? What other Zelda inspired weapons would you love to see brought to life by the great team at Arcade Arms? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: YouTube

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