Handpainted Hylian Shield Shoes

You know those kids in high school that were always sitting in the back of class and drawing cool stuff on their shoes with an ink pen and markers? Well some people never grow out of that phase. The people behind HandmadeZeldaShoes on Etsy have gone far and beyond the call of shoe art with some fabulous designs inspired by Zelda. These shoes have a Hylian Shield design painted onto some blue slip-on Vans. There are also small Triforce symbols painted onto the heals of each shoe. About eight hours worth of painting and crafting goes into each pair of shoes. Considering all that goes into making a pair of these, the price is quite reasonable. Check out some pictures after the jump!

These shoes look like something you might see at a video game merchandise store. Vans are great shoes, add some Hylian flare to them and you have a Zelda party on the go. Maybe if Link had a pair he would start walking more instead of rolling into trees all the time. Do you draw Zelda stuff on your own shoes? What do you think of these shoes? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Etsy

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