My first introduction to fantasy art was hanging in the mall. Tucked away, behind shelves of glass trinkets and knick-knacks was Jimmy Cauty’s epic, art-nouveau styled ode to The Lord of the Rings. Me, being all of about five, was drawn into the work. All the key characters and pieces of the plot were there. Just looking at it pulled me back into that land of myth and wonder. My point is that fan art has a unique magic to it. In one image, you’re transported back to a familiar and cherished story.

Allison Hartman, owner of the Etsy shop PinkPoriPori, has that magic. They showcase a masterful use of detail and light. The backgrounds are as lush as the characters, reaching out and pulling you into their world. In an instant, you’re transported. In one image, Skull Kid beckons you to enter his realm. Another shows Zelda poised and graceful. A couple feature Link in dynamic poses, ready to smite evil.

Hartman also has plenty of other works. Her series of Pokemon locations as travel posters are quite popular for a good reason! If you’d like to follow her, you may do so through Instagram.

Do remember the first piece of Zelda fan art that blew you away? Let us know in the comments!

Source: PinkPoriPori

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