link11Just over a week ago we learned that the Legend of Zelda series will be making its way into the Mario Kart World in the form of DLC. It’s a bit of an oddball collaboration as Mario Kart has never dipped too far out of the Mario realm. Mario Kart is already one of the most popular and most successful franchises, so the DLC is sure to be a smash hit. When it releases later this year, will you be downloading it? If so, will you be downloading it simply because it’s Mario Kart DLC, or because of the Zelda goodies?

Perhaps I’m in the minority, but I’m a Wii U owner who does not own Mario Kart 8. It’s a fun game to play when I’m at a gaming get together, but I don’t really have any intentions on purchasing the game in the next few months. While I’m a huge Zelda fan and feel that I need to own anything and everything that is related to Zelda, this might be one thing that doesn’t quite reach my radar. If down the line I ever do pickup Mario Kart, there is a high likelihood I’ll also grab the DLC, but for now, it isn’t something I’m planning on getting. At least not yet.

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