For people living in much of the Northern Hemisphere, the frigid curtain of winter has fallen upon the land. The once lush trees are now bare and snow has begun to coat the earth. While this time can stress out many people, it also brings an emotional warmth as the holiday season is also a time when we communicate/connect with family and friends across the world.

This “Winter” ocarina cover of “Mabe Village” from Link’s Awakening is a great gift to share with any Zelda fan this winter. This beautiful arrangement by David Erick Ramos is a cheery song to warm up the frigid winter months. Overall, the ocarina is the central instrument in the song, completely owning the spotlight. The ocarina is supplemented with backing strings and a gentle piano tune. The combination of these three instruments creates a peaceful, soothing atmosphere perfect for Mabe Village.

Not only does the song have a winter/holiday theme, but the video does as well. Snow is added on top of footage of Link’s Awakening to help create a “what if” scenario in which Mabe Village is coated in a layer of snow. It’s amusing to think about how the resident of a tropical island village would react to snow falling from the heavens! They might not enjoy it as much as those of us who are used to snow!

What do you think of this “Winter” cover of “Mabe Village” from Link’s Awakening? Let us know in the comments below!

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