Gamespot Reviews Hyrule Warriors

GamespotWith all this hype about Hyrule Warriors, you may have mixed feelings about what it means for Zelda fans versus Dynasty Warriors fans. Gamespot writer Tom McShea gives us a little insight for Zelda enthusiasts from his perspective after playing a couple levels of the game. Hit the jump to see more!

The general feeling Tom has about Hyrule Warriors is that it doesn’t feel like a Zelda game. Some of us may already think that and are looking forward to it for the novelty, but others are more excited for a game that is mostly Zelda with just some mechanical changes. Having never played it, I can’t offer my two cents about the feel of Hyrule Warriors, but the game-play we have seen so far, both in the Nintendo Treehouse and in the various trailers, looks fun, engaging and satisfying.

Dynasty Warriors provides the structure for this new fanfare title, so it makes sense that the fighting mechanics would mimic those found in the DW franchise, however Gamespot was unimpressed.

    “Killing hundreds or even thousands of poor moblins might be fun to some, but I struggled to care. I wasn’t bored as I carved through the masses, but I wasn’t particularly engaged, either. I enjoy more nuance in my combat, something thoughtful and skill-based that poses enough challenge to make sure my focus never wanes. The only thing I needed to consider in Hyrule Warriors was which combo I wanted to unleash. There are two attack buttons, and depending on the order in which you hit them, you do different moves. But even though visual flourishes accompanied each action, the results were the same; I was lulled by the predictability as the tapping rhythm overtook me.”

My interpretation of the analysis is that if you love Zelda games but do not enjoy a broad spectrum of genres which include games like Soul Caliber, Super Smash Bros or even Assassin’s Creed, Hyrule Warriors may not be the breath of fresh air you want it to be. Dynasty Warriors does include difficulty settings, so hopefully that will be translated over and give those of us who want a little more broad-spectrum strategy greater satisfaction.

If you haven’t seen enough trailers or just want a refresher to give Gamespot’s review context, here is a video:

So, do you agree with this review? Let us know what parts of Hyrule Warriors you are looking forward to the most, and if you aren’t a fan so far, tell us why.

Source: Gamespot

Sorted Under: Hyrule Warriors