Opinions: we all have them, and, in many cases, they tell a story of absolute truth in terms of who we are and how we think. When we reach the outer stretches of the video game community and begin to discuss why we like something more than something else, we somehow feel the need to take our own private truth of an opinion and force it upon others, as if their own tastes simply don’t matter. To that end, GameSpot received a lot of interesting feedback when they announced that A Link Between Worlds is their game of the year for 2013.

Personally, I feel there is a tad bit of irony since some of the staff quotes come from Tom McShea, but the reality is that Game of the Year Awards are nothing more than an opinion fostered by a select group of individuals. Sure, often there are fan votes, but when it comes to website awards generally they are based upon the staff who actually work at those websites. There is no exact or perfect formula for choosing which game deserves the crown, but every place that does them has their own methods and works for them. This is probably why I actually liked how GameSpot chose to respond.

As you can see in the video above, GameSpot chose to quote some of the most damning stuff and try to explain how they came to their conclusion without getting overly upset that so many people disagree. They also go on to ensure that marketing has nothing to do with their decisions. What do you think of their response?

Sorted Under: Zelda News