I am a fairly big Game of Thrones fan – yes the TV show, not just the first book in the entire book series. I am also a massive Zelda fan. So when two of my favorite entertainment choices collide like this, I am sure to feel a bit giddy inside. While I typically do not enjoy intros to most shows I enjoy, I always felt Game of Thrones’ intro to each episode was extremely unique. The fine folks over at Megasteakman have decided to apply this introduction concept to A Link to the Past. It works surprisingly well considering they are re-imagining a 2D game into a 3D space – the mash up of the Game of Thrones theme with the Zelda theme works surprisingly well too boot.

I hope you enjoy the video as I eagerly look forward to the next season of Game of Thrones and the next Zelda game coming to Wii U.

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