Friday the 13th/Zelda Crossover Art

While I’ve seen quite a bit of Zelda fan art around the web, I have never before found a piece that is simultaneously humorous and deeply disturbing. This piece of artwork, created by deviantARTist MichaelJLarson, is a crossover between the character Jason Voorhees from the famous Friday the 13th horror-slasher franchise, and our favorite silent hero, Link. The artist said he created this on a whim, and that he was happy with the outcome. Check out this extremely unusual piece, comically named “Link: The Killer from Camp Hylia Lake” after you make the jump!

This is possibly the strangest piece of fan art I’ve seen yet, but in spite of that, or maybe even because of it, I liked the piece a lot. It’s a great example of a combination of two polar opposites. What really got to me though, was the decapitated Goron head in Link’s hand. That was pretty unsettling for me. I don’t think I can watch anything from the Friday the 13th series again without this coming to mind. You can see more of MichaelJLarson’s artwork over at deviantART.

So, what did you guys think of this artwork? Did you find it as funny and unnerving as I did? Feel free to give your feedback in the comments below.

Source: Game Informer

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