Adam Sessler isn’t always the most popular guy in the gaming community; while he generally knows his games, he’s had opinions that clashed with a majority of gamers from time to time. However, when given the opportunity to tackle a sensitive game-related issue on a major network, he doesn’t disappoint. Fox News brought him on to discuss the hot-button topic of the last month or so—video games, violent youth, and any correlation between the two. The video doesn’t have the best audio, but it’s clear enough to make out what he says—and he says a lot in the space of four minutes.

Sessler brings up a very interesting point in comparing the stigma over video games to past social fears. He touches on comic books, opera—seriously, who would’ve thought opera would at one point have been considered amoral? He makes a pretty solid case when it comes to explaining the fear over the relatively new video game culture; after all, nearly everybody who is making a case against games at the moment has never actually touched a game themselves. It’s a pity he had such a short time, though. I feel like the last question wasn’t covered as strongly as those preceding it. Regardless, it’s one of the better moments I’ve seen in the news coverage on this topic. Bringing in somebody who deals in games to discuss game violence? Who woulda thunk it? I certainly wasn’t expecting it to come from Fox News, of all places.

What did you guys think? Did Sessler deliver? Has this conversation affected your outlook at all?

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