Fan-Made Navi Pendant

Navi is one of the most iconic characters from the Zelda series typically being referenced as one of the more annoying and obvious of Link’s companions. She is depicted in a slew of creative ways from cosplay to fan-made novelty items like jewelry and props. There is one Zelda fan from the United Kingdom who has recently exhibited Navi in a very stunning display. Follow the jump to read more about this.

This Ocarina of Time character is shown in a sterling silver pendant with a colored stone in the center. It measures 2.5 centimeters and comes paired with a long chain to showcase the jeweled accessory. This is one of the most incredible pieces of jewelry I have seen that relates to the Zelda series. The shape of the pendant, the colored gem and the material used perfectly captures the essence of Navi. It emits such a radiance that it would be hard for any Zelda fan to not be taken by this piece. Right now, Tetura, the item’s seller, is asking around $32 for this piece of Zelda jewelry, and will ship it to anywhere in the world. In addition, the buyer can even customize the gem to the color of their choice.

Now, what do you think of this pendant? Would you purchase it or not? Tell us in the comments below!

Source: Etsy

Sorted Under: Ocarina of Time