Fan-Made Korok Pushies

Etsy user GreatFarysFountain has many video game-inspired pieces, and now has created four different Korok plushies, near identical to the Koroks in The Wind Waker. They once took on a human form, but when they came to live on the sea, they took their leaf-like shapes. And now that we are beyond the Era of the Great Flood and now in modern times, they have taken the form of a plush doll. Go ahead and hit the jump for more information on how you can get your hands on a Korok of your very own!

These Korok plushies are available individually on the GreatFairysFountain Etsy Page for a range of $8 to $12 USD. At this time (and we don’t know if there ever will be), there is not a complete set available. The available Korok are Makar (pictured above), Hollo, Linder and Rown.

These plushies are among the only (if there are others) Korok for sale. I’m not a plushie fan, but these would fit nicely into my Zelda merchandise collection! Would you get one? If not, why not? They look great and have a reasonable price. Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Source: GoNintendo (via Tumblr)

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