Central Hyrule was so beautiful! The scenery was full of lush grasslands, rolling hills, and so many different types of trees. Flowers bloomed in the sprawling fields and dotted the landscape with a rainbow of colors; it was like we were walking in a dream. The yellows radiated like the sun and the pinks and purples stood out among the vibrant land. It was all so open and green compared to the blue waters of Zora’s Domain and I wished we could have paused to take it all in. I had never been among so many flowers before and I wondered what it would be like to dance among them and sway with the winds.

It took a few days for us to travel to Central Hyrule via Zora River and we made a stop at a quaint woodland stable where we rested for the night. Traveling the river was easy compared to the rest of the trek that we had to make on foot. The roads were filled with traveling merchants, men and woman on horses, and other Hylians young and old. I was in awe of the scenery and I knew that it was only going to get better.

As we traveled, the magnificent Hyrule Castle came into view. From the road, we could see its lofty towers and spires, and the stone walls that signified the might of Hyrule’s royalty. I couldn’t wait to arrive! I urged the knights forward, but I knew that we still had much travel ahead of us.  Patience Mipha, I thought to myself. We will get there in due time, we need not rush ahead.  Still, the mighty shadow of the castle piqued my interest. I wondered what the inside would look like and whether the other champions would be there. I hoped that I would have the opportunity to see the king and I wondered if he was as wise a ruler as I had heard him to be. So many thoughts and questions swirled through my mind that I had bumped into one of the knights in front of me. I apologized quickly and returned to my place in our entourage, wishing that I had one of those horses — we would have been there by now!

The sun had begun to set as we entered the gates of Castle Town. My fins ached and I was ready to rest again but my eyes were caught up in my surroundings. Hylians were bustling around the main courtyard and various different shops. There was a riot of color everywhere, banners of red and gold, others of blue and gold — the colors of royalty! There were shops with exotic foods whose fragrance wafted tantalizingly through the cobbled streets and others who sung animatedly of their wares as we passed by. As I looked around, I noticed other races besides Hylians. Along the path, a large blue colored bird played an unusual instrument and sang happily, smiling at me as he passedHe must be among the Rito, I thought. Another group of beautiful women were admiring some dyed fabrics at a nearby shop; they looked so different from the Hylian women. Their flaming crimson hair, and copper skin mystified me; their beauty was difficult to compare to the Hylians. I spied some fellow Zora who bowed to me as we passed and I also saw some other folk who resembled boulders more than people. The rocky men argued happily over ‘rock steak’ as we passed and it dawned on me that they must be of the Gorons! There were so many different people in Castle Town, it was a cornucopia of culture!

Before I knew it we had arrived at the gates of the castle. The setting sun made the mighty stronghold look like it was ablaze with fire. The guards let us in and we were greeted by more Hylians dressed in royal garb. The castle was surrounded by a great moat, and the closer we came to the entrance the smaller I began to feel.

“It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Hyrule Castle, Princess Mipha of the Zora,” a male Hylian said, formally. “We’ve been expecting you.” He gestured towards the ornately carved grand doors and they opened inwards.

I was awe-struck at the castle grounds. Multiple paths twisted around towards the tallest spires of the castle and the grounds themselves were as sprawling as all of Hyrule. Waterfalls and trees dotted the landscape in front of us, the gardens were being tended to by other members of staff, and soldiers patrolled the grounds in pairs. The royally dressed Hylian must have noticed my gazing to and fro in an attempt to take everything in, and he addressed me politely.

“Ah, the princess has scheduled a tour of the grounds for you and the other champions tomorrow morning. I am to escort you to your chambers and someone will also show you to the dining hall shortly.” He gestured for us to continue, so I picked up my feet anxiously and followed before I got left behind.

Our guide talked about the grounds casually as he led us inside the castle. I was surprised to learn that parts of the castle were built underground and that to many, the grounds were like a giant maze leading in and out into the light. We were told to use the corridors lined with the royal red wool rugs as the blue was primarily for the royal guard, soldiers, and castle staff. I slowly tuned out our guide and gazed upon the lit torches, the gilded accents, and the royal arms and banners that lined the walls. There was so much to see and I wanted to see it all!

“Ah, and here are your chambers, Princess Mipha,” the guide announced. “This is actually a suite; your guard has a wing off to the right here. If you need anything during the duration of your stay, please don’t hesitate to ask.” He bowed before leaving us and heading back down the never ending corridor.

I looked around my chambers and couldn’t hide my excitement. A wooden four poster bed sat in the center of the room, it’s red curtains hung over the sides and fluttered gently in the breeze coming from the open balcony doors. A gilded vanity sat in the corner, along with a golden patrician, and there was a fireplace nestled in the wall. Over the fireplace hung a beautiful work of art, which looked familiar to me. I stared at it for a long time and realized that it was a painting of my home — Zora’s Domain! It was a wonderful reminder of the place I held most dear. I had only been gone for a few days, but I longed for it’s serene waters, and I longed even more for my family.

“Princess, unless you need us further, we will retire to our chambers for the evening,” one of the Zora guards said. “It has been a long journey.”

“Of course!” I replied, relieved to finally be alone to my thoughts. “Sleep well. I shall call if I am in need of anything.”

The guard nodded and followed the others to a separate room tot he right of my own.

I sidled over to the bed and fell against it. This would be my first time ever sleeping in a real bed! The bedding was soft and silky, and also cool. I wondered if there was such thing as a bed made of water. My feet ached, and it felt so nice to finally be resting. I felt myself drifting off to sleep, but a knock at the door woke me from my snoozing. I padded off to the door and opened it. A woman dressed similarly to our guide from earlier was at the door. She was a plump woman with a warm smile.

“Hello Miss, I’ve come to escort you to the dining hall. A grand feast has been prepared in your and the other champion’s honor!”

So the other champions are here, I thought excitedly. I was so anxious to meet them. I took one last glance at the bed and closed the door behind me. There would be plenty of time for rest later, now it was time to meet my fellow champions!

Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, the smell of different foods wafted along the hall, and bright, white table cloths lined the long tables. Red and gold runners hung off the white table cloths and large bronze basins, filled with different kinds of fruit were nestled along the platters of hot food. The plump woman gestured for me to join a small group sitting at one end of the table and I recognized the flowing blonde hair of Princess Zelda immediately. She was dressed in royal blue and gold, and a simple golden tiara adorned her head.

“Oh, welcome Mipha, please sit,” the princess said with a smile. “Allow me to introduce you to the other champions.” 

Before Zelda could continue, a large, white bearded boulder stood up and extended his massive hand, “Daruk’s the name, little lady. Pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is mine,” I replied with a smile. I attempted to shake his hand, but his fingers dwarfed mine. He smiled a great smile and sat down at the table clumsily. Goblets full of liquid sloshed about and pieces of fruit fell from their basins as Daruk adjusted himself in his seat.

“Daruk is the Champion of the Gorons,” Zelda chimed in, then she gestured towards the bird sitting next to her. “This is Revali, Rito Champion…”

“Allow me introduce myself, if I may, Princess?” Revali interrupted as he made a sweeping motion with his blue wings and bowed. “I am Revali, the bravest and greatest among the Rito! I do hope you won’t get in my way.”

He seemed a bit prideful, and I noticed that he glanced off to the right but I never saw who he was looking at. Then he sat back at the table and plucked a piece of fruit from the bronze basin. He bit into it and made a disapproving face, unhappy with his selection.

“And finally, the Chief of the Gerudo, Urbosa,” Zelda said, smiling at the introduction and looking upon the woman happily. The woman was already seated next to Zelda, and she looked at me with a coy grin.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Mipha of the Zora,” Urbosa said as she rested her head against her hand. Her flowing red hair fell gently passed her shoulders. She looked like the women that I had noticed earlier in Castle Town. She was an other worldly beauty and I admired her already. “I do see that someone else has decided to join us,” Urbosa continued, “It’s about time, hero…” She glanced towards where Revali was staring, and from the shadows he emerged. It was Link!

I wanted to say something, but I didn’t need to show my excitement. It was time to be serious. Link took his seat on the other side of Zelda, but not before giving me a nod of acknowledgement. His recognition that I was among their ranks filled me with a renewed sense of hope. I had started to think that I didn’t belong here from the moment I had entered these walls but with Link so near, I felt like I could do anything. With Zelda at the head of the table and there being an open seat next to Revali, I sat and waited for what would come next.

Servants continually filled our crystal goblets with drink and we filled our plates full of delicious food. I partook in many Hylian delicacies. My diet mainly consisted of fish, but tonight I sampled many other meat dishes and tried new fruits and vegetables. My favorite dish of the night was also a favorite of Zelda’s: Fruit Cake, a delicate sweet dish that was served to us after the main course. Our conversations were light, but throughout our meal I noticed that neither Zelda nor Link uttered a word. Towards the end of our meal, our plates were cleared and Zelda guided us through the corridors and into the Library.

Books lined the walls from top to bottom on both levels of the grand room. Zelda pulled out a chair at a small table and we gathered around it. “I do not have you all for long, and I wish to convey as much information as possible in these few days. I realize that each of you have your own duties to your people,” the princess sighed and continued on, “I have scheduled a personal tour of the castle grounds for each of you, prior to the ceremonial naming of champions. As we speak, I have had servants deliver a special gift to your chambers. I hope you wear it well.”

On the desk in front of  Zelda was a worn journal. Pages protruded from the binding, and a golden lock was on the cover. She unlocked the journal with a small key and opened the book, “Over the coming months, I shall help to guide you in learning how to control the divine beast you have been tasked in piloting. I have been studying these beasts and before you leave for home, I will have notes sent with each of you.”

Revali scoffed, “I shouldn’t need any help, I was born to pilot Medoh!”

Zelda sighed and shut the journal hastily, clearly frustrated with Revali’s prideful remark, “That is all for this evening. I trust that the castle staff will show you to your chambers once again. I shall see you at the ceremony tomorrow.” Zelda stood up from her chair abruptly and stormed out of the library. Link followed her quickly without giving the rest of us another glance.

“Was it something I said?” Revali sighed. “Well, I guess I will see the rest of you at the ceremony. Farewell…”

I wasn’t sure if I liked Revali very much, but I had not gotten to know him yet. Urbosa shook her head and sidled off towards an exit. A servant did not follow her, and I thought maybe she had been here before. Daruk headed off as well, and I was left alone. Sadness filled my heart; it was our first night together and there was little connection among us. I prayed that would change in the coming days.

“Miss, shall I escort you back?”

It was the plump woman from before. I nodded and followed her through the hallways once more. She must have sensed my worry, because she did her best to comfort me.

“Oh my sweet dear, please do not fret. It’s just the jitters, everyone will start to get along sooner than later. Princess Zelda is under much stress these days. She recently returned from the Spring of Power with no avail.”

“No avail?” I asked, curiously. I had moved next to her to carry on a more cordial conversation.

“Princess Zelda has yet to unlock her blood born power,” the servant replied. “With the threat of Ganon looming ever closer, it’s become imperative that she trains hard, and informs you and the other champions on how to pilot the divine beasts. I’m sure that everything will work out though.” She smiled and stopped, “Here we are, rest well dear. You are my charge for the coming days and I will be seeing a lot of you. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask my dear. You may call me Cana.”

“Thank you, Miss Cana and goodnight.”

I closed the door behind me and walked out to the balcony. Stars dotted the night sky, and lanterns illuminated the castle grounds, and Castle Town below. It had gotten late but I was wide awake. Despite our rocky beginnings I was excited to be here. Seeing Link made me feel a little more confident and I hoped that I would get to speak with him tomorrow. I needed to tell him about the gift I had made for him!

Suddenly, I remembered the gift that Zelda had told us about. I turned and moved into the room again to find a large silver box, wrapped in a brilliant blue ribbon, on the bed. I removed the ribbon gently and opened the gift. Nestled inside was a sash quite like the one I wore daily. It was embroidered with white designs along the sides and I followed the fabric’s pattern until I stopped in the middle. This was different. I glanced inside the box again and saw a small note sealed with a golden wax seal. I opened the note and read a simple phrase:

Mipha, Zora Champion. Vah Ruta.

There was no signature among the looping script. Vah Ruta….I gazed at the sash again and held it close to my chest. The time was coming that I would come face to face with Ruta for the first time. The time would come when Ruta and I would face Ganon together, with the others. It was my time as a champion, but I wondered, how much time did we really have?


Heather Beard is a writer for Zelda Dungeon. She’s a (crazy) cat lady with a passion for Zelda lore, and really cheesy pizza. You can follow her adventures on Instagram and Twitter!

Featured image artwork is by the author, Heather Beard.

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