Fan Art Spotlight: Ninja Princess Zelda

Zelda is an amazing video game series. Ninjas are awesome. These are facts. It came as no surprise that when Nintendo combined the two and the Sheikah were introduced that tons of fans wanted to see and know more of them. Although we didn’t learn much more about them in Skyward Sword as some fans had hoped, that does not diminish how awesome they are. In a tribute to the race of ninja-esque guardians of the Royal Family of Hyrule, deviantARTist SirTiefling has created a tribute to Princess Zelda’s alter ego, Sheik in his aptly named drawing, Ninja Princess Zelda. Make the jump to check it out!

Sure, Sheik’s true gender is ambiguous. Fans have endlessly debated about it and we may never know. One thing is certain however; Sheik is a great source of inspiration for fan art. This piece is extremely well done, and I liked that the design was based off of the Sheik from Super Smash Bros. Brawl and I think the artist did an amazing job. If you liked it, check out more of his work on deviantART.

So, what do you guys think of this piece of fan art? Tell us in the comments below!

Source: deviantART

Sorted Under: Ocarina of Time