Dr. Link: Diagnosis of Characters #4

drlink To start, I would like to say thanks for all the positive feedback I am getting with the series! Last week we looked at the fairy man, Tingle, who had many problems and a diagnosis I was not expecting.

This week I am going to look at a newer character, one from Skyward Sword. He is really quite scary. A feminine male who wears tights and likes to lick people with his unusually long tongue. He has major mood swings and is somewhat violent when he lashes out.

Hit the jump to see the latest diagnosis!

Welcome to the office of Dr. Link, the digital doctor of mental and psychological disorders for characters in the Zelda series. Today we have our fourth patient, Ghirahim. Ghirahim is a very strange and somewhat scary character. When he is first encountered he taunts you and he gets uncomfortably close. He has an odd obsession with licking things- his tongue is always out of his mouth. And he gets angry very fast. There is so much wrong with this guy. So without further ado, here is the paperwork.

ghirahimPatient Name: Ghirahim
Appearance: Skyward Sword (Main Antagonist)
Symptoms: His most noticeable symptom is his mood swings. When confronted in the game he talks very sweetly, seems happy, and then the next second he is furious and steaming with rage. Then he goes back to happy. It is very odd to switch between emotions so many times in such a short period of time. Plus he is violent when mad, to the point where he will yell and scream and lash out at you. At one point in the game he even says that he will make Link suffer so badly that the boy will deafen himself with the sound of his own screams. And although violent when angry, he is very gentle, but uncomfortably creepy, when calm. He is murderous. He enjoys bloodshed. At the first of the game he appears calm and collected, and gentlemanly as he promises not to kill Link as that would not be fair. But as the game progresses he becomes more and more violent to everyone around him. He licks his sword after battles and promises the death of Link during many of their encounters later in the game.He has no guilt for what he has done, only for the things he hasn’t. He has no shame in those he has killed and no shame for the things he has done. The only thing he ever talks about regretting is the things that he was not able to accomplish earlier in the game.

  • Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar disorder is a condition in which a person has periods of depression, extreme happiness, or irritability. It also has other symptoms that can be seen which are seen through out all of the game with Ghirahim. Here is a list on the symptoms included with this disorder:
    1. Inflated self-esteem: Throughout the game he thinks very highly of himself and believes he can stop everything and that he will prevail.
    2. Racing thoughts: After Ghirahim has been aggravated he tends to change subjects and talk about a lot at once.
    3. Aggressive behavior: He is violent and is very forward against Link. He tells Link exactly how he feels and draws a sword on Link a couple of times during the game.
    4. Agitation or irritation: He becomes irritated once his plans have been foiled or after seeing Link in some cases and he expresses that very clearly.
    5. Increased physical activity: Once irritated he becomes angry and he fights Link. This happens on more than one occasion.
    6. Increased drive to perform or achieve goals: He is always continuing to talk about his goals that he needs to achieve to keep Demise happy.
  • Psychopath: A person with an antisocial personality disorder manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse. Ghirahim loves to murder people and has no problems doing so. He feels no remorse or guilt for what he has done or for those he has killed. He eventually promises that he will kill Link.

Let me know what you think of this diagnosis and who the next patient should be!

Sorted Under: Skyward Sword