Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s roster is easily the greatest one to grace any video game. Even today – nearly six years after its release – I’m taken aback whenever I boot up the game. Seriously, the number of dream-come-true characters on display here is just staggering.

No video game is perfect, though; and if I had one complaint about the otherwise legendary selection of playable fighters, it would be its lack of imagination toward its Zelda representatives. Given the sheer breadth of unique personalities from throughout the Hylian Hero’s adventures, I’ve always found it bizarre that Smash has only ever featured variations of Link, Princess Zelda, and Ganondorf.

Since Brawl introduced the concept of assist trophies, several fan-favorite characters have joined the fray in more minor roles: Tingle, Skull Kid, Midna, and Ghirahim. Based on my own perception of support within the Smash Bros. fan community throughout the years, these four folks stood the best chance of being the first non-Triforce-wielding Zelda character to join the playable roster. Alas, this is not a perfect world.

And though I certainly appreciate the game’s effort to acknowledge its runners-up in some capacity, I would have preferred to see any one of those four fighters in place of a third Link variant. Of course, Midna would be my go-to choice. Even setting aside her being my favorite Zelda character, her unique abilities in both Twilight Princess itself and Hyrule Warriors would complement Smash’s ensemble wonderfully.

What about you, though? Among Smash’s four Zelda-series assist trophies – five if you consider Majora’s Mask’s moon a character – which one would you first promote to playable status? Let us know in the comments below!

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