While Breath of the Wild is still probably my favorite Zelda when it comes to meditative, feel-good gameplay, Tears of the Kingdom gave me plenty of moments that delighted me in how seemingly simple, yet gratifying they were. Whether it was a callback to a Breath of the Wild staple, a nod to the series’ history, or some brand new quality-of-life update, these moments brought me little bits of joy wherever I found them.

In recent months, I’ve learned about “glimmers” — the opposite of triggers, glimmers are internal or external cues that can bring about a sense of joy or calm. Seeking out ways to experience positive emotions by looking for these little glimmers in my everyday life has helped me gain a little control over the turbulence of life’s storms. Once I started doing this, I suddenly realized that many of the glimmers I’ve experienced have been in the games I’ve played, including Tears of the Kingdom. In the aftermath of tragedy, these gameplay glimmers have really helped keep me afloat.

How about you? What have been some of your favorite glimmer moments while playing Tears of the Kingdom?

Personally, I’m so surprised and delighted every time Link cooks a meal and I hear him hum a familiar Zelda tune. I don’t think I recognized he was doing this right away, but as soon as I caught on, it started to give me a spark of joy every time I cooked something up to increase my stamina or health. My stresses and apprehensions melt away when I hear him quietly belting out “Zelda’s Lullaby” or “The Ballad of the Goddess,” because it makes me suddenly feel the affection I have for so many games in the series all at once. Plus, it adds an extra dimension of earnestness to Link’s character in this game that makes me care about him even more.

What little pockets of joy have you found while playing Tears of the Kingdom? Let us know down below!

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