If you are visit Zelda Dungeon often, you are probably aware that the ZD staff have a wide range of topics related to their favorite and least favorite Zelda games. The site publishes the “Best Zelda Ever” list each year, and the individual lists are usually very different. The diversity in opinion is part of what makes the Zelda community so fun to be a part of. Overall, it is important to remember that just because you have a least favorite Zelda game, it does not mean there aren’t things in that game that you can enjoy.

With that in mind, what is your favorite song from your least favorite Zelda game? For me, one of my least favorite games was Tri Force Heroes, though the game has grown on me in the past year. The game is nearly unplayable for one person and even with friends the game can be quite frustrating at certain points. Despite not initially loving the game, the main theme of the game is absolutely incredible. The theme sounds like it was pulled straight from one of Hans Zimmer’s Pirates of the Caribbean soundtracks. With incredible violin and accordion parts, the themes makes me want to jump off my coach and go on an adventure.

What do you think? What is your favorite song from your least favorite Zelda game? Let us know in the comments below!

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