Daily Debate: What Aspect of the Newest Tears of the Kingdom Trailer Makes You Most Excited for Release Day?
Posted on February 12 2023 by Kora Burton
Absolute chills — this is what I felt when watching the most recent Tears of the Kingdom trailer, which debuted during Nintendo’s February 8, 2023 Direct. I am so excited for May to get here!
Between the mysterious and villainous voice heard in the trailer’s opening (Ganondorf? Is that you?), to the storm-swept landscape, to the new depictions of various machines and vehicles Link seems to be able to interact with, there’s so much new material to speculate about. I think I’d get overwhelmed if I tried to pick apart every aspect of the new trailer and what it means for the upcoming title. That being said, this trailer stirred up similar emotions in me as Breath of the Wild‘s cinematic trailer. Both set the dramatic scene, give us powerful voice lines, and detail a dramatic glimpse of the landscape, enemies, and some of the potential mechanics of each game with wonderful fanfare.
The newest Tears of the Kingdom trailer makes me the most excited for the upcoming game’s soundtrack. Specifically, the moment the music swells up mid-trailer into what I can only assume will be the Tears of the Kingdom main theme, I get teary-eyed about all the possibilities and exciting story elements ahead — and I don’t even have a sense for the full emotional weight of the music yet! Anytime a new title comes out, I get excited about the music. While I didn’t mind the piano-centric environmental soundtrack of Breath of the Wild as much as others may have, I do hope that its sequel brings us back to a more traditional Zelda experience acoustically, with more identifiable themes and music to get really hyped up for.
But what about you? What aspect of the newest Tears of the Kingdom trailer makes you most excited for release day? The voice acting? Enemy designs? The gameplay tease? Whatever it is, we’d love to hear from you, so let us know down in those comments below!
Location: Athens, Georgia, USA
Favorite Zeldas: Wild Era, Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time
Date Joined: 2022
“Tell me… Do you ever feel a strange sadness as dusk falls?”