We finally have a title and more juicy details for the much anticipated sequel to Breath of the Wild. The most recently showcased trailer for Tears of the Kingdom cautiously hints at numerous groundbreaking plot-points and mysterious lore that have yet to be uncovered. Of note, the most curious of these hints is the recurrent imagery of dragons in the trailer.

These dragons are noted to make a ring insignia in a few places in this trailer. Initially, the dragons appear on a sturdy, stone door that Link is witnessed opening onto an altar. The dragon ring also recurs towards the end of the trailer when the title to the game is revealed. What do these dragons represent? One theory is that the dragon-figures are reminiscent of dragon statuettes found throughout Hyrule in Breath of the Wild and may be related to the mysterious Zonai that once inhabited the lands.  In Breath of the Wild, Farosh, Naydra, and Dinraal only played ancillary roles in the game’s main story. However, with the key focus upon the dragons in the trailer for Tears of the Kingdom, it’s plausible that dragons play a more central and key role in the upcoming game’s plot.

What are your thoughts of the dragons in the trailer? How do you think these green, eerie dragons will tie in with the previous dragons that traversed the skies above Hyrule in Breath of the Wild? Leave your comments below!

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