The Zelda series has been renown for its beautiful artwork, music, and storylines. However, one aspect that has been lacking, but appears frequently in other major game franchises is role playing-style “character choices”. Heroes, like Aloy from the Horizon series, have options in discourse with other characters. Sometimes these character discussion points help to provide further backstory and character development. At times, they even alter the plot or create side quest opportunities.

I can’t imagine a better game to allow for character choices than The Legend of Zelda. Imagine this: Link can have a choice in a heated battle to save or spare an enemy, allowing you to develop positive versus negative energy as in the Infamous franchise. Breath of the Wild does have a version of character choice, but truly these are mostly for show and don’t help to elucidate further plot points or character development. Moreover, the Zelda series hasn’t been apt to adopt voice acting until Breath of the Wild. Despite that, key action-based decisions that don’t involve dialogue could play a key role in Zelda‘s gaming mechanics without breaking the tradition of a mostly silent protagonist.

Do you think The Legend of Zelda could sustain a game with more role playing and character dialogue choices? How would you imagine such a game to play out? Leave your comments below!

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