It was recently revealed why Nintendo shelved The Wind Waker 2 to develop Twilight Princess. If you haven’t read up on that yet, I highly suggest you do. The Daily Debate for today is asking the question of whether the big N should revisit The Wind Waker 2 in a post-Breath of the Wild world. Many fans adore The Wind Waker, and with the HD remake that released on Wii U years ago, soon it may be an appropriate time to develop the sequel some feel this game deserves. Perhaps the sequel (which would launch on Nintendo Switch) could come with a digital code for The Wind Waker HD as an added bonus for fans of the series. Another thought—perhaps after Breath of the Wild, Nintendo would want to try a more open world approach to The Wind Waker‘s sequel, which is definitely not a bad thing.

However, some may remember a game titled Phantom Hourglass on Nintendo DS. Isn’t that a sequel to The Wind Waker (and a fairly awesome game)? Perhaps Nintendo should focus on a sequel to Breath of the Wild instead. Using the same engine, the development team could create another open-world Zelda game with the same art style in a shorter amount of time. As an example of this, take a look at Majora’s Mask. So many Zelda enthusiasts choose Majora’s Mask as their favorite game in the series, and it re-used the engine and assets from Ocarina of Time.

Think long and hard about what you would prefer. Would you like a sequel to The Wind Waker after Breath of the Wild, or a sequel to Breath of the Wild re-using the same engine? Defend your position in the comments below.

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